Year 136 - September-October 2024Find out more

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Not love in words but in deeds

suor Marzia Ceschia

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa received the Nobel price in 1979, she was beatified on 19 October 2003 by Pope John Paul II and canonised by Pope Francis on 4 September 2016. The anniversary of her death, 5 September (1997), is her feast day. Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu MC (born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu) was born on 26 August 1910 into a Kosovar Albanian family in Skopje, Ottoman Empire (now the capital of North Macedonia). She was the youngest child of Nikollë and Dranafile Bojaxhiu (Bernai). Her father was a cultured man who spoke Turkish, Italian, Albanian, French and Serbian; he died suddenly in 1919. Her mother Drana (1889-1918) had noble origins and she had faith and charity. After her husband’s death she had to face a very difficult economic situation and to take care of three children and she educated them in faith. (continue)

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