Year 136 - September-October 2024Find out more

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Between conflict and respect

Monseigneur Giampaolo Dianin, bishop

a look of love st anthony

We must remember that conflict is natural and happens in every ongoing relationship because we are all different. Since conflict is unavoidable we must learn to manage it. Conflict is a sign of a need for change and an opportunity for growth, new understanding, and improved communication. Our character weighs on conflicts: touchiness, arrogance, the fragility that leads to defending oneself by attacking, the struggle to accept the reasons of others, the demand for a truth which, in reality, is always more complex than personal reasons.

We must learn to manage conflicts and to learn the art of dialogue respecting the reasoning of the other with the purpose of saving the relationship. Conflicts can degenerate into violence when one wants to hurt the other, sometimes even thinking to solve the problem by eliminating the other. On the contrary conflict is an inevitable phenomena in human interaction and it is necessary for positive growth, changing and solving the problem to save the relationship. (continue)

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