Year 133 - July-August 2021Find out more

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Christianity, the Pope and China

Editorial Staff

Recently I heard about the Catholic Church in China. I think that the political system inspired by Communism tries to limit and to control Christians and followers of other faiths: however when the Pope promoted dialogue with China I do not understand why he was so criticised by many priests and bishops over strong opposition of the US. I am very confused about this question: could you explain it in simple terms?

It is not easy to explain in simple terms such complex questions. But I will try to do so! Pope Francis has created the conditions for greater collaboration with the Chinese government over naming bishops trying to resolve the difficult situation of the Catholic Church in China that has been split into two groups: the state-supported Church that names its own bishops and an underground Church that recognises the Pope and his authority to name bishops. This difficult situation concerns many Christians who have suffered a lot and who have been often persecuted. Certainly this first attempt intends just to help to create a dialogue with the Chinese Government and it can be improved. This deal was denounced by critics of some churchmen and by the United States because they fear a greater role of China on the world stage. The Holy See has decided to continue this dialogue with the Chinese government with patient listening to improve the lives of Christians in this country. This process needs to be patient and balanced because many Christians of China have paid a heavy toll for their fidelity to the Roman Church. But we have to keep hoping for the best and not to be prisoners of fear.