Year 133 - October 2021Find out more
Daily habits and rituals to keep the flame alive
Monseigneur Giampaolo Dianin, bishop

Month after month we have wondered about the lives of young couples in the first years of marriage. We spoke about a time of grace and of the challenges that couples have to face even with limits and imperfections; we said that marriage is an every day job, a “craftsmanship” that on one side helps the couple to mature and on the other side helps them to grow in humanity as a man and as a woman. Last month we analysed the question of time, an essential condition to realise all this. To day we will speak about another ingredient the Pope offers to young couples to make the recipe of a solid love: “Young married couples should be encouraged to develop a routine that gives a healthy sense of closeness and stability through shared daily rituals” (AL 226). (Continue)
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