Year 131 - October 2019Find out more
In the hands of the simple
Fr. Chino Biscontin

In one of my primary school text books there was a story that stuck with me, along with an effective illustration. An acrobat, very devoted to Our Lady, had consecrated himself totally to her, entering a monastery. The acrobat could neither read or write, nor knew Latin, so he was unable to participate in the prayer sung by the other monks in the choir. Secluded in a corner, he recited the rosary. One night the abbot, unable to sleep, went to the great church and, to his amazement, saw that it was illuminated. He went inside to check and saw that the light came from the altar of the Madonna: the beautiful statue seemed animated, the face that had become smiling emanated an intense and warm light. In front of the altar the acrobat was performing, with all the effort he was able to, his stunts.
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