Year 131 - July/August 2019Find out more
Is the world falling apart?
Editorial Staff

My younger brother and I spend a lot of time with our grandparents—who live upstairs—while my parents are at work. When the weather is fine, I go almost all afternoon to play in our beautiful garden, while my grandma looks at us and always finds something to do. Grandpa spends most of his time in his little garden looking at the plants and sometimes he puts his hand behind his back, as if it had hurt. But when it’s bad weather or it gets dark and we have to go back into the house, grandpa turns on the TV and a few times he lets us choose the program because he says we see too many cartoons. Instead, he almost always listens to the news and so every now and then I hear him growling that the world is going crazy and that everything continues to get worse and worse. I feel a bit of fear at these words and I think: is it true that the world is getting nastier? And does Jesus let us become more and more evil and hurt ourselves? Logan No, my dear friend, the Lord Jesus asks us every day and helps us…
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