Year 133 - March 2021Find out more
Lent: the meaning of Christian fasting
Fr. Chino Biscontin

I must say that I really admire the numerous Muslim faithful who strictly observe Koranic rules during Ramadan. Throughout this month healthy Muslim adults abstain from eating, drinking (even water) and smoking from dawn to dusk. As the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar ((whose time reckoning is tied to the Moon phases), this means that each year it is about 11 days shorter than a solar calendar; for this reason Ramadan can occur also in the hottest months of the year. This practice, which is one of the fundamental traits of the Koranic religion, deeply marks the body and soul of the faithful, and becomes a bond of great vigour for the community. Accompanied by prayers, study of the Koran and works of charity towards the poor, it reinvigorates religious fervour.
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