Year 134 - December 2022Find out more
Of humble origins
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

Sometimes in famous writers’s biographies we read that they were born of humble origins. We can certainly use this expression for Jesus: we cannot imagine somebody more humble than him: and we use this expression for a king, the king of the world! Are we astonished? God acts beginning from the bottom, from the last ones. Those who are able to read into little signs the future potential will take advantage of it. As in the short story of a man who came across three stonecutters and asked them what they were doing. The first replied, “I am making a living”. The second kept on hammering while he said, “I am doing the best job of stone cutting in the entire county”. The third looked up with a visionary gleam in his eye and said, “I am building a cathedral”. We can catch a glimpse of a bright future into the humble birth in Bethlehem. We can discover it through faith looking beyond appearances and being astonished. It is a great lesson for us. As we are surrounded (and maybe fascinated) by the world of entertainment we risk loosing our sense of being human. We despise the marginalised and all…
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