Year 131 - July/August 2019Find out more
Praise be to you, my Lord
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

With the arrival of warmer weather, everything comes back to life and takes on new colours. I think it is wonderful for everyone to relive every year the summer days and contemplate the beauty of nature. Beautiful images in a myriad of colors, scents and sounds. This is certainly a gift, but also a commitment. The book of Genesis reminds us that the earth was entrusted to man and woman to be cultivated and preserved (Gen 2:15). How are we responding to this task? There are many episodes that indicate a slow, but inexorable degradation of our planet, from climate change to pollution. Our beautiful “home” is becoming inhospitable. Proclamations are many, conversions are few. Someone backed out of Paris Climate Agreement of 2015; the United States has resumed the use of coal; in the Pacific Ocean, a “plastic island” three times the size of France is forming... I would like to take up again, in this regard, a strong voice that in that very year was raised to remind every inhabitant of this planet, of every religion and culture, the responsibility of maintaining and guarding our “common home”. It is the voice of Pope Francis with the encyclical Laudato…
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