Year 135 - July-August 2023Find out more
The choice to have a baby between right and desire
Monseigneur Giampaolo Dianin, bishop

In his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia the Pope speaks about the life as a gift and a blessings but he underlines too the difficulties one can have accepting a new life: “If a child comes into this world in unwanted circumstances, the parents and other members of the family must do everything possible to accept that child as a gift from God and assume the responsibility of accepting him or her with openness and affection. For “when speaking of children who come into the world, no sacrifice made by adults will be considered too costly or too great, if it means the child never has to feel that he or she is a mistake, or worthless or abandoned to the four winds and the arrogance of man” (AL 166)...
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