Year 134 - November 2022Find out more
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

The days, weeks and months... printed on twelve sheets of paper: it is not just a cold list of dates but it is life passing and flowing out through time. Every year the Universal Association of Saint Anthony comes into your home and into your life with an Anthonian calendar. It is a friendly way of coming back to St. Anthony’s figure so that his face, words and gestures will accompany and help us. The fundamental events of his life and the most important aspects of his spirituality have been represented in different manners and we are always astonished admiring the cycles of paintings dedicated to the great Thaumaturgist. Their objective is not just to represent pure beauty and to give information (we thank the ecclesiastic and civil institutions for that who have allowed us to acquire images) but mainly to offer spiritual formation. Each image of the most important events of the figures’life represents through colours, signs and words the way of living the faith in different cultural contexts. This year we have chosen to show you the frescoes of Francesco and Antonio Nasini (seventeenth century) who painted the most famous miracles and the most meaningful moments of St.…
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