Year 133 - April 2021Find out more
The friendship between two great men
Filippo Lazzari

The news that the Pope had approved the heroic virtues of the Capuchin brother Marie-Antoine de Lavaur (1825-1907) last year on January 23rd was welcomed with joy by our association. It is the last step towards beatification for which a miracle reached through the intercession of the Venerable is required. We have a special devotion for this charismatic priest because he was a good friend of father Antonio Locatelli (1839-1902). Some years ago in our magazine we laid out a profile of this Capuchin brother who probably got in contact with father Locatelli in 1884 when he went to France for research on Saint Anthony in ancient documents. The approval of his heroic virtues is a precious occasion to talk about him again and we rely on your prayers, dear readers, so the Lord will soon rise him to the glory of the altars.
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