Year 134 - September 2022Find out more
The gift of true words
Lorenzo Brunazzo

If I think about my priest vocation I could not say if the choice of becoming a priest was really mine or if my family decided for me. Following tradition the eldest son inherited the feud and the second one embraced the ecclesiastic career to give fame to the family by governing the people of God. I do not know if there is a big difference: to be the bishop of a big town as mine, Bourges, is mainly a political, economical and juridical matter. It is necessary to conciliate the norms and the ecclesiastic privileges, the curial edits, the tithes and the exemptions. One has to administrate a fragile patrimony among greedy administrators, opportunist functionaries, ignorant priests and presumptuous monks, arrogant nobles and disappointed worshippers. It goes without saying that our life style is similar to that of our families and our lay friends: rich prebends, magnificent clothes, rich table sets, and, why not, nights not so lonely as the priestly celibacy demands.
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