Year 134 - February 2022Find out more
The practise of dialogue
Fr. Chino Biscontin

Chapter 6 of the Encyclical letter Fratelli tutti (All brothers) is entirely devoted to the dialogue as a path of fraternity. Because the lack of dialogue is cause of violence and contempt for the others. For human beings relationships and dialogue are indispensable. Getting close, speaking, listening, looking at, getting to know and understand one another, and to find common ground: all these things are summed up in the one word “dialogue”. If we want to encounter and help one another, we have to dialogue. Lack of dialogue means that people are concerned not for the common good, but for their selfishness, it causes violence, prevarication, contempt for those who are different. The Pope underlines that the differences are creative, they provoke tensions whose solution copes with the progress of human beings.
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