Year 132 - April 2020Find out more

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The “subtle” sense of sin

Editorial Staff

Is consciousness just a cumbersome and annoying option for those who have it? I say this because I wouldn’t even be able to steal a candy without feeling like a thief and suffering inside, while I feel that others around me steal millions without any trouble. What will they have to answer for if they do not feel guilty?


As the Second Vatican Council recalls, conscience is the “sacrarium” of every person where each of us is called to take stock of his or her own journey of humanity in the image and likeness of the Creator of all. That being said, conscience is a gift, but it is also a conquest. Conscience is a sort of divine “seed” hidden in the deepest part of the heart of every man and woman, who needs attention and care in order to grow. Of course, each of us will have to answer before God for how much we have cared for this gift or not, but no one can be a judge of the conscience of others except God who is mercy and justice.