Year 132 - October 2020Find out more
The words of faith
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

We have heard so many words in recent months... Words of encouragement, words of hope, words of anger, words mixed with weeping. Comments, interpretations, opinions from all sides. It was a way to exorcise fear, to find meaning, to give us courage. We have heard medical statements, witnessed political discussions, listened to philosophical theories. But were there words of faith to say what we are still living? Because science is important, but it doesn’t say everything. Medical research finds the causes and remedies, but medicine is not enough. The suffering person requires closeness, expects a handshake. To exorcise fear, we have to find words of encouragement that taste of eternity. Words that science doesn’t offer us. The empty St Peter’s Square, on 27 March, is more eloquent than a thousand speeches. A square in reality full of prayers, invocations, the faith of millions of people who gathered spiritually. The words of faith are those capable of saying what only the heart feels. It is the ability to see beyond, not to stop at the pain and fatigue of understanding. God did not want the death of his Son on the cross and was present at the fatal moment. The same…
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