Year 132 - September 2020Find out more
Time is running short
Elide Siviero

I find a real foible for the publicity of motor cars! Their adverts irritate my incredibly. They are the maximum of absurdity. One sees an ad that begins with, the infinite, the sky, the sea, certainly it is not that of a place for relaxing, but of a motor car. If one is talking about ecology, then here again we have the car that does not pollute (does one, that does not pollute, really exist?); then if they are referring to faithfulness there will be an advert of that sort, and so on with all manners of clichés of all the things dearest to us: freedom, trust-worthiness, the family, pleasure, power, prestige… the motor-car concentrates, according to the publicity firms, all the solutions to our aspirations, without even mentioning the parallel women/car which makes adverts so detestable.
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