Year 132 - March 2020Find out more
To change the world
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

“It used to be better!” Who hasn’t used this expression when faced with unfortunate situations and found refuge in the good old days? Past time seems better than the present and maybe even than the time to come. But it is just a way to express easy “lamentations”. Those that we already find in the lyrics of the classics. Cicero, for example, deplored the widespread corruption by exclaiming: “O tempora! O mores!” Horace called the nostalgic “laudator temporises acti”: unable to revive the past, they gladly return to it with their memory. Are we living in dark times today, with corrupt customs? Actually, the perception of reality (sometimes distorted) is due to several factors. First of all, the development of communications. We know in every moment what is happening in every part of the world. A truly remarkable amount of news! Secondly, because it is the tragic ones that make the most noise. So it seems to us that every day there is an increase in crimes, violence, evil. Finally, we do not live long enough to make a global judgment on an entire era. Times change and yet the change is physiological. It happens all the time. Change is…
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