Year 135 - July-August 2023Find out more

st anthony LUG-AGO 2023
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Today I want to take you all to Paradise!

sister Marzia Ceschia

st francis porziuncola

In summer when we are no longer stressed by the pressure of work if we want we can get in contact with our profound inner reality: so from the little chapel of the Porziuncola we can listen to the call to reconciliation. We cannot hope for a more profound peace! On August 2 the “Pardon of Assisi” (and in all Franciscan churches) is celebrated in the Church of Saint Mary of the Angels where the Porziuncola is housed. Since then, plenary indulgence can be requested from midday from 1 August to midnight on 2 August visiting the Porziuncola, (the place from where the Franciscan movement started) and all Franciscan churches...

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