Year 131 - September 2019Find out more
Travellers, insatiable seekers of God
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

Life is a wonderful journey: a continuous going, sometimes slow, sometimes fast; a coming and leaving, a finishing and starting again. In the celebration of the Hebrew Passover it is proclaimed: “Tonight everyone considers himself out of Egypt”, to keep remembering the “passage” from slavery to freedom. For this reason, the metaphor of the journey is used to indicate obedience to those Commandments that, inscribed in the depths of every man, are given to Moses on Sinai, right in the heart of the journey in the desert. So “walking in the ways of God” means “observing the Commandments”, listening to the Word and putting it into practice. For Christians the discourse—or better, the “path”—does not change: being a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth means “following in his footsteps” (1 Pt 2:21), walking in his footsteps following the example of those who were able to walk with him along the roads of Galilee and Judea until they “went up” to Jerusalem, where he would complete his “exodus” from this world to the Father. Physical journey, pilgrimage in faith and interior journey are intertwined to give us a key to understanding our entire existence and that of others. And every journey, in…
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