Year 132 - July-August 2020Find out more
Why these rules?
Editorial Staff

I’m about to prepare for Confirmation. I have been waiting for this day for a long time to live it with my family and with my dearest aunt, whom I have always chosen as godmother. Instead nothing! The parish priest said she can’t be a godmother because she is divorced and lives with a man who is also divorced. I felt terrible about it. And my aunt was very upset about it too. My parents tried to insist, but there was nothing to be done. The priest says there’s a law. But why? My aunt is a very good woman, she loves me very much and I love her as much… I’m sure my friends’ non-divorced godmothers aren’t as good as she is. Isabel My dear friend, I don’t think the vicar said your aunt wasn’t a good person. She simply told you that because of her marital situation, she can’t be a godmother at your confirmation. To give you an example, it’s as if you chose a coach for volleyball training who, at least at this moment, can’t show you how to use the ball because he has a problem with his movements. Your dear aunt, for reasons that…
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