Cardinal Onaiyekan on Niger: No to war, No to killings

In an interview with Vatican News, Cardinal John Onaiyekan, Archbishop Emeritus of Abuja, Nigeria, calls [...]

Indian deacons learn to use media as tool for evangelization

The Bishops of India hold a media training for 40 deacons to learn ways to [...]

Pope at Audience: Matteo Ricci's love for Chinese people, a source of inspiration

At his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis praises the apostolic zeal of Venerable Matteo Ricci, [...]

World Tourism Day: Vatican highlights need for ‘green’ investment

In its message for World Tourism Day, marked on 27 September this year, the Vatican's [...]

Australian Indigenous leader in the Vatican for week-long visit

Dr Ungunmerr Baumann, one of Australia’s most respected Aboriginal leaders, will meet with Pope Francis [...]

European Bishops, Churches decry ‘brutal war’ against Ukraine

Recalling the “brutal war that wages on against Ukraine,” the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences [...]

UN talks to end global plastic pollution resume in Paris

A United Nations committee is meeting in Paris on Monday to work on a global [...]

Pope appeals to warring parties in Sudan to lay down arms and resume dialogue

Pope Francis expresses his concern for the eruption of violence in Sudan, where scores of [...]

Over 50,000 Christians killed in Nigeria by Islamist extremists

According to the report “Martyred Christians in Nigeria” issued by Intersociety, over the past 14 [...]

New report breaks down Australian Catholic population

A new document from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference profiles a Catholic population which is [...]