Year 134 - May 2022Find out more
Religion at home
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

Over these recent months we have rediscovered an important dimension of faith by supporting it at home during the Covid pandemic when we could not attend church regularly. We can affirm that it was a time of grace, although with a lot of suffering, because we could live and practice our faith not only bounded by the community life and not only by attending Sunday Mass. The “home celebrations” have enlightened many aspects of our Christian identity and have deepened the meaning of “the common priesthood”. It has been an exercise of freedom and of responsibility by living the offer of our existences in the dimension of the daily life. In the Jewish tradition the home is the privileged place where to grow in the light of faith and where to testify and celebrate the memory of the salvation offered by God. The home is the place where to live and to celebrate Yahweh’ liberation work. Jesus accomplished his mission not only in the streets, in the synagogue or in the temple: The Gospel comes into history through the homes: the house of Nazareth where Jesus grows up, the homes he is invited into: Martha, Mary and Zacchaeus welcome him…
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