Year 134 - September 2022Find out more
There are no more “in between seasons”!
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

This sentence alludes to a familiar language, to changing things: some changes are normal while others are radical such as the climate change that is worsening every year. In 2015 Pope Francis declared September 1 as the world day of Prayer for the creation inviting us to reflect. The ecological problems do not only concern the great of the earth but they are also the responsibility of each one of us. Because we have arrived to a point of no return! And the consequences are already evident. If we can affirm that there are no more “in between seasons” we can affirm too that there is no time left for half measures. It is not possible to procrastinate any more but we must take action to save the Earth. In their message the Italian bishops say: “we encourage to make gradual and necessary changes in our life style and we commit ourselves to encourage them through our contemplative gaze on the creation and our daily life changes”. For Christians it is important to respond to ecological issues that concern faith too. From the beginning of the Creation God has entrusted us to take care of the world “to cultivate and…
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