Year 136 - July-August 2024Find out more

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Make sure that nobody is left behind

Fr. Livio Tonello, director

The world goes at different speeds. There are enormous disparities between countries throughout the world. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing. Very often government leaders underline that nobody should be left behind but now it is just a utopia. The disparity between rich and poor countries is so enormous that it seems impossible to bridge this gap. What kind of future could be possible for the countries with a weak democracy and with few basic resources? How will they succeed in not being left behind? There are many development and investment plans at the expense of losing decision making autonomy for paying back loans. We are prisoners of a system favouring the rich and disadvantaging the poor. The economic dependence deprives the countries of their resources and the rich countries exploit the poorer ones. And what about the unregulated market and finance that become speculation thanks to the monetary policy? Pope Francis has underlined many times that there is still time to start a process of global renewal to put into practice a different, inclusive economy so that nobody will be left behind. It is a strong exhortation in the context of the current crisis that…

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