Year 136 - November 2024Find out more
A special year
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

Dear friends, 2025 is a special year: it is the Holy Year! An event that occurs every 25 years and marks the journey of the Church and Christians welcoming the extraordinary grace of God’s mercy. That is why the calendar pages present month by month the most significant Jubilee events involving certain categories of people: children, the sick, artists, sportsmen, youth, volunteers… Our journey will be marked by the celebration of God’s benevolence for humanity, walking together on the path of hope, as the Jubilee slogan “Pilgrims of Hope” urges. We are called to ask for the gift of hope, to mature hope to deal with disappointments and defeats, to make ourselves bearers of hope. The whole life of faith is a pilgrimage, anongoing search for the Lord to experience his mercy. To one is excluded from crossing the threshold of love and regaining confidence, motivation, momentum. Every age of life, every professional category, every existential situation is a place in which to encounter Christ, the only one who can give true hope to the world. We think this especially for this our time marked by wars, conflicts and violence. We first need to recognize the immense goodness present in…
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