Year 137 - January-February 2025Find out more
Whose side are we on?
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

History has always been written by the winners who have the power to craft and dominate the stories that are passed down, often side-lining the defeated. Only at the beginning, when one has to ally with one or with another, the prophetic far sight of justice and truth can be revealed. The cunning and the bad faith of those who change side and jump on the bandwagon are really regrettable. In contemporary wars the different States decide to side with a country or with another for political and economic reasons hiding the real reasons of the conflict. Being on the side of reason, which is often that of the offended and the weak, is not so obvious. Sometimes they bet on the victory of a country or of another one in terms of reciprocal advantages. The wars in Palestine and in Ukraine are fought for a variety of reasons in including economic, territorial, political, civil and revenge without understanding the values in play that are crucial for the perspective of peace. We must not arbour false hopes; what is happening in the global world has an impact on our lives too. In social tensions one must fully engage to defend…
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